Richard Mazurchuk, Ph.D.
Email: richard.mazurchuk@nih.gov
Phone: 240-276-7126
Fax: 240-276-7845
Room: 5E582
Dr. Richard Mazurchuk received a B.S. in Physics and M.S. and Ph.D. in Biophysics from SUNY Buffalo. His research focused on developing novel multi-modality imaging techniques, contrast (enhancing) agents and methods to assess the efficacy of experimental therapeutics. He subsequently joined the faculty of SUNY Buffalo School of Medicine and Roswell Park Cancer Institute attaining the rank of Assoc Prof in the Departments of Diagnostic Imaging and Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry and Biophysics. For over 20 years he served as Director of Preclinical Imaging Resources and Scientific Director of Clinical MR imaging. He recently joined the NCI's Division of Cancer Prevention as a Program Director in the Cancer Biomarkers Research Group.
Recent advances in imaging tumor heterogeneity, "omic" based research, single and sub cellular imaging, imaging tumor physiology in 3D with high spatial/temporal resolution and imaging dynamic physiologic processes in near-real time are changing the paradigms traditionally used in clinical cancer care. However, despite these advances, the integration and application of imaging and biomarkers applied to early cancer detection has not yet been realized. To obtain their full public health benefit, it is clear the seamless integration of imaging and biomarkers will be required. To help facilitate their integration and the development of new multidisciplinary, multiplexed approaches under a singular umbrella of focused research, a set of five Program Announcements has recently been approved by NCI aimed at stimulating collaboration among scientists within the context of cancer prevention.